JGL / WalkingTourClient

The client for the WalkingTour editor, currently deployed to Glitch.com. For the editor, see https://github.com/JGL/WalkingTourEditor
GNU General Public License v3.0
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A-Frame media displaying #19

Open jkosem opened 3 years ago

jkosem commented 3 years ago


So it took me half a day, but managed to get a castle showing up in AFrame. This was for how much work it was, fairly anticlimactic, but the thing is we can get a webVR view of a castle.

So the thinking is this:

  1. User goes to spot on journey where they have a view of the castle or other building in the distance
  2. WebApp geo-activated and media pops up
  3. User can see in the distance the ruins or what the castle is like in reality and then see maybe what it looked like lets say in 1402 or whenever, in full construction. In an ideal (AKA funded) world, these would be animated and show things happening, almost as if the user had a god's eye view of the castle way back when.
  4. 3d is finally usable for this, and actually makes potentially more sense than AR

Here is a not great looking castle being attacked by a giant sheep as a POC. There is a lot to learn still about default camera views and whatnot.


jkosem commented 3 years ago

Oh yeah, here's the Glitch where somehow things are working. I think I'll see how it goes on there because mobile testing is way easier (did it the dumb way before with running a web server local to mobile browser).


jkosem commented 3 years ago

There were just massive issues somehow with where the file was (wasn't working locally for whatever reason), and having it on a CDN via Glitch somehow sorted which still doesn't make sense. GLTF is a very sensitive format apparently.

JGL commented 3 years ago

I think it's do with Glitch's media/cross site content policies. TLDR - all content needs to be on their CDN with their funny hash urls so they don't get spammed/DDOS'd.

JGL commented 3 years ago

Can you shoot a video?