JGantts / Children-of-Capillata

Series of metarooms for the game Docking Station.
MIT License
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Library Functionality Needed #42

Open JGantts opened 5 years ago

JGantts commented 5 years ago

Centralizing identical cos and sprite files would save space and headache. DRY (don't repeat yourself) principal applies and is worth the added complexity to the build process.

JGantts commented 5 years ago

Repeated files:

dev/Catallipac/coc_cat_vendor.c16 dev/Agents/Improved Empathic Vendor/coc_cat_vendor.c16

dev/Daedalus/coc_c3lift.c16 dev/Morpheri/coc_c3lift.c16

dev/Daedalus/CoC-c3lift-events.cos dev/Morpheri/CoC-c3lift-events.cos

JGantts commented 5 years ago

Many more files are repeated now that more needed sound files have been added.