JHGuitarFreak / UQM-MegaMod-Content

HD content files for the UQM-MegaMod
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Providing the optional content on a Git repository #2

Closed es20490446e closed 5 years ago

es20490446e commented 5 years ago

I'm continuing here this conversation. As once archived you cannot longer post there, and I have no other way to contact you. The link to your website seems broken.

I wanted to show you these:

Serosis commented 5 years ago

The main website is in construction mode until I fix up the new, leaner repository so I can properly link to it when it's ready. Well, link to the Archived version until is released on the leaner repository.

Also, nice touch on the personalized video.

Don't take my stubborn headed attitude as disrespect or anger. Everything I've done with the MegaMod has been completely self serving from day one. I made it to my specifications and my ideals first. Fumbled around, broke things, and all around "fun".

Also, I've tried several times to remove the entire bin folder history (files and all), which is the biggest culprit to the size of the repository. But I always ended up with duplicate, sometimes even triplicate commits in the history.

That was frustrating because the MegaMod was about a gigabyte and a half and it takes forever to purge the file history only to end up with wacky results.

I'm going to be leaving the archived version up as more of a historical view, showing my personal progress with the UQM code.

The new repository will more resemble base UQM's where the binaries will be outputted to the root of the repository. The base content will be going in a separate repository as well to keep binary files completely out of the source repository. I don't want this one to blow up as much as the old one did.

And the first order of business will be to separate Volasaurus' Space Music into its own package because that's over a half a dozen .ogg files that don't need to be in the base content.

Ala-lala commented 5 years ago

I'm a bit late, but are you sure you want to archive the repository and make an entirely new one? It would break git blame (or at least make it a lot harder to use) and other things relying on history, and there are ways to remove files from your commit history without making an entirely new repository.

Serosis commented 5 years ago

I edited my previous comment, it's much lengthier now.

Serosis commented 5 years ago

Once I get all the content compartmentalized it'll be easier to decide on a name for the content packages or putting the content inside a folder with the current naming scheme and renaming the repository. (As in RepositoryNameHere->mm-hd->content files)

Ala-lala commented 5 years ago

Really? I tried removing most of the big binaries in this clone with BFG repo cleaner (with, effectively, git clone --mirror https://github.com/Ala-lala/UQM-MegaMod-History-Test.git && java -jar bfg-1.13.0.jar --delete-folders mm-hd --delete-files "UrQuanMasters*.exe" UQM-MegaMod-History-Test.git && java -jar bfg-1.13.0.jar --delete-files UrQuanMasters UQM-MegaMod-History-Test.git && java -jar bfg-1.13.0.jar --delete-files "*.uqm" UQM-MegaMod-History-Test.git && java -jar bfg-1.13.0.jar --delete-files "Translation Pack.zip" UQM-MegaMod-History-Test.git && cd UQM-MegaMod-History-Test.git then git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive) and it seems to have worked. I haven't done anything like this before, so I can't be sure I did it correctly, but commit history and current files seem to be preserved, there aren't any duplicate commits, and the repo size when cloning is down to 200MB.

Serosis commented 5 years ago

Hmmm... I can probably still do that but it won't change what I'm doing to shift the files around in the new repository.

I looked everywhere for a tool that did what BFG repo cleaner does but I only ended up with a script called "git-prune-files".

Serosis commented 5 years ago

I'll give this a test tomorrow to see if I can't prune it down further.

Serosis commented 5 years ago

Also, in an effort to not use Github as a forum outlet you can find me on The New Alliance of Free Stars Discord server: https://discord.gg/JkqbYMk

Which has a dedicated MegaMod channel.

es20490446e commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I don't use communication apps 😉

Serosis commented 5 years ago

I tried BFG cleaner and it does the exact same thing as "git-prune-files" (duplicate commit history) only a bit faster. But this time I found out that you have to contact Github support if you want to clean out repositories that have pull requests.

That's a step further than what I'm willing to participate in. So a fresh repo it is.