Closed blackeneth closed 3 years ago
Openweathermap does not have those data items for CURRENT at last update.
I see it in the documentation and in the results of queries?
Documentation on "current" oneAPI calls:
Example query:,hourly,daily,alerts&appid={your api key}&units=imperial&lang=en
Result: {"lat":33.49,"lon":-111.92,"timezone":"America/Phoenix","timezone_offset":-25200,"current":{"dt":1612239916,"sunrise":1612189414,"sunset":1612227539,"temp":64.22,"feels_like":60.57,"pressure":1018,"humidity":34,"dew_point":35.29,"uvi":0,"clouds":75,"visibility":10000,"wind_speed":1.03,"wind_deg":13,"weather":[{"id":803,"main":"Clouds","description":"broken clouds","icon":"04n"}]}}
Yes. They are in the next update. As I explained they were not available in the last update. Openweathermap has just updated the data. They will be available.
v3.0.4 has been released it has the requested options. Thank you.
Please provide long SunriseTime, long SunsetTime, char readableSunrise, char readableSunset for the "CURRENT" forecast.