JIE-1350 / ISpy

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Insight tool tip documentations #49

Closed thinhpham2122 closed 2 years ago

thinhpham2122 commented 2 years ago

Each insight should have a tool tip explaining details about the insight.

jcarpenter48 commented 2 years ago

Tooltips: Sentiment Analysis: Each Tweet's sentiment is calculated using NLTK VADER Sentiment Intensity Analyzer Scores range from -1.0 (completely negative) to 1.0 (complete positive sentiment) The numbers of negative, neutral, and positive tweets and averaged sentiment score are shown

Influence Score: Provides average replies, retweets, and likes count for tweets in dataset, as well as averaged composite 'influence' score This gives a quick feel in absolute numbers of the reach of the subject or user

Tweet Frequency: Graphs the count of relevant tweets (on subject, by user, etc.) made over the given period of time.

Top Hashtags: Most common Hashtags in the dataset are counted and both listed and graphed to see relative popularity

Time of Tweets: Maps tweet times to hours of a day and graphs count of tweets for each hour

thinhpham2122 commented 2 years ago
