JIHONGKING / Ideaton-Backend

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Job bidding System #6

Open JIHONGKING opened 3 months ago

JIHONGKING commented 3 months ago

Job Bidding System: Job Posting, Bidding, and Matching

Below is the code implementation for job posting, job seeker bidding, employer bidding, and bid evaluation with matching using Upstage API for NLP analysis. This code is designed to be directly used in a web application context. We will skip the user registration and login part as per your request.

1. Job Posting

Job Posting API

import requests

def post_job(auth_token, job_data):
    url = "https://api.yourjobbiddingsystem.com/jobs"
    headers = {
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {auth_token}",
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
    response = requests.post(url, json=job_data, headers=headers)
    return response.json()

# Example usage on webpage
auth_token = "your-auth-token"
job_data = {
    "title": "Software Developer",
    "description": "We are looking for a skilled software developer...",
    "requirements": ["Python", "Django"],
    "budget": 5000
response = post_job(auth_token, job_data)

2. Job Seeker Bidding

Job Seeker Bid API

def job_seeker_bid(auth_token, job_id, bid_salary, cover_letter):
    url = f"https://api.yourjobbiddingsystem.com/jobs/{job_id}/bids"
    headers = {
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {auth_token}",
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
    payload = {
        "bid_salary": bid_salary,
        "cover_letter": cover_letter
    response = requests.post(url, json=payload, headers=headers)
    return response.json()

# Example usage on webpage
auth_token = "your-auth-token"
job_id = "job-id-example"
bid_salary = 45000
cover_letter = "I am very interested in this position and have the skills you need."
response = job_seeker_bid(auth_token, job_id, bid_salary, cover_letter)

3. Employer Bidding

Employer Bid API

def employer_bid(auth_token, job_seeker_id, bid_salary, message):
    url = f"https://api.yourjobbiddingsystem.com/job_seekers/{job_seeker_id}/bids"
    headers = {
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {auth_token}",
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
    payload = {
        "bid_salary": bid_salary,
        "message": message
    response = requests.post(url, json=payload, headers=headers)
    return response.json()

# Example usage on webpage
auth_token = "your-auth-token"
job_seeker_id = "job-seeker-id-example"
bid_salary = 50000
message = "We are very interested in having you join our team."
response = employer_bid(auth_token, job_seeker_id, bid_salary, message)

4. Bid Evaluation and Matching

NLP Analysis Function using Upstage API

def analyze_text_with_upstage(api_key, text):
    url = "https://api.upstage.ai/v1/solar/embeddings"
    headers = {
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}",
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
    payload = {
        "model": "solar-embedding-1-large-query",
        "input": [text]
    response = requests.post(url, json=payload, headers=headers)
    return response.json()

# Example usage for analyzing a cover letter
upstage_api_key = "your-upstage-api-key"
cover_letter = "I am very interested in this position and have the skills you need."
analysis_result = analyze_text_with_upstage(upstage_api_key, cover_letter)

Save and Retrieve Analysis Results

import sqlite3

# Database setup
conn = sqlite3.connect('job_bidding_system.db')
c = conn.cursor()

# Create analysis results table
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS analysis_results (
    job_seeker_id TEXT,
    job_id TEXT,
    analysis_result TEXT

def save_analysis_result(job_seeker_id, job_id, analysis_result):
    c.execute("INSERT INTO analysis_results (job_seeker_id, job_id, analysis_result) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
              (job_seeker_id, job_id, analysis_result))

def get_analysis_result(job_seeker_id, job_id):
    c.execute("SELECT analysis_result FROM analysis_results WHERE job_seeker_id = ? AND job_id = ?", (job_seeker_id, job_id))
    result = c.fetchone()
    return result[0] if result else None

# Example usage
job_seeker_id = "JS1"
job_id = "J1"
save_analysis_result(job_seeker_id, job_id, str(analysis_result))
saved_result = get_analysis_result(job_seeker_id, job_id)

Bid Evaluation and Matching

def get_bids(auth_token):
    url = "https://api.yourjobbiddingsystem.com/bids"
    headers = {
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {auth_token}"
    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    return response.json()

def evaluate_and_match_bids(auth_token, upstage_api_key):
    bids_data = get_bids(auth_token)
    job_seeker_bids = bids_data['job_seeker_bids']
    employer_bids = bids_data['employer_bids']
    matched_pairs = []

    for js_bid in job_seeker_bids:
        js_id = js_bid["job_seeker_id"]
        job_id = js_bid["job_id"]
        js_bid_salary = js_bid["bid_salary"]
        cover_letter = js_bid["cover_letter"]

        analysis_result = get_analysis_result(js_id, job_id)
        if not analysis_result:
            analysis_result = analyze_text_with_upstage(upstage_api_key, cover_letter)
            save_analysis_result(js_id, job_id, str(analysis_result))

        matching_employer_bid = next((eb for eb in employer_bids if eb["job_seeker_id"] == js_id), None)
        if matching_employer_bid:
            em_id = matching_employer_bid["employer_id"]
            em_bid_salary = matching_employer_bid["bid_salary"]

            if em_bid_salary >= js_bid_salary:
                    "job_seeker_id": js_id,
                    "job_id": job_id,
                    "employer_id": em_id,
                    "final_salary": em_bid_salary,
                    "message": matching_employer_bid["message"]

    return matched_pairs

# Example usage on webpage
auth_token = "your-auth-token"
upstage_api_key = "your-upstage-api-key"
matched_pairs = evaluate_and_match_bids(auth_token, upstage_api_key)
for match in matched_pairs:
    print(f"Matched Job Seeker {match['job_seeker_id']} with Employer {match['employer_id']} for Job {match['job_id']} at Salary {match['final_salary']}. Message: {match['message']}")
JIHONGKING commented 3 months ago
+------------------------------------------+ User Registration
1. User registers (job seeker/employer)
2. Auth0 handles authentication
3. User credentials are stored securely
+------------------------------------------+ v +------------------------------------------+ User Login
1. User logs in
2. Auth0 verifies credentials
3. Auth0 issues JWT token
+------------------------------------------+ v +------------------------------------------+ Job Posting
1. Employer posts job
2. Job details stored in the system
+------------------------------------------+ v +------------------------------------------+ Job Seeker Bidding
1. Job seeker views job posts
2. Job seeker submits bid with salary
and cover letter
3. NLP analysis on cover letter using
Upstage API
4. Store analysis results
+------------------------------------------+ v +------------------------------------------+ Employer Bidding
1. Employer reviews job seeker bids
2. Employer submits bid to job seeker
with salary and message
+------------------------------------------+ v +------------------------------------------+ Bid Evaluation & Matching
1. Retrieve all bids
2. Perform NLP analysis if not done yet
3. Evaluate bids using stored analysis
4. Match job seekers with employers
5. Notify both parties of matches
