JJLongoria / aura-helper

Repository for manage the development of Aura Helper VSCode Extension
GNU General Public License v3.0
9 stars 5 forks source link

One Projection Clause Per Line - request #44

Closed brylaen closed 8 months ago

brylaen commented 2 years ago

Hi, awesome extension but I have one request if its possible about formatting SOQL. Can we have setting to format conditions to be one per line.

Before WHERE Name = '' OR Name = '' AND Name = '']; After

WHERE Name = '' 
 OR Name = ''  
 AND Name = ''];

Something like this will be great. Thanks alot

brylaen commented 2 years ago

And one more thing what I like if is posible. To conditions to be formatted to new line Before if (acc.ParentId != oldAcc.ParentId && oldAcc.ParentId != Null) After if (acc.ParentId != oldAcc.ParentId && oldAcc.ParentId != Null)

This would be also nice Thanks alot

JJLongoria commented 2 years ago

Hello @brylaen, thanks for the suggestions, I try to implement it on new releases, i notice you when publish this features.

Thanks for use Aura Helper, I hope you like it!


brylaen commented 2 years ago

Thank you for looking on this

brylaen commented 1 year ago

Hi again I find one more thing that I would like to have. We already have image but can we have setting to add white space after ) . Thanks

JJLongoria commented 8 months ago

Hello @brylaen sorry for the late response. I maintenance Aura Helper and all related software in my free time... and im too bussy in the last months, but i recently pubish a new version of Aura Helper, 4.5.0 with few enhancements.

I added new formatter configs like:

Also fix minor errors and add support to Aura Helper SF Plugin.

Aura Helper SF Plugin is the Aura Helper SFDX Plugin evolution because it is the same tool, but adapted to the new SF CLI and add support to Aura Helper to detect and handle command from Aura Helper SF or Aura Helper SFDX and the old and new SF or SFDX Commands

I working on better query formatting and other util otions ;)

I hope you like the enhacements and sorry to impement it to late ;)