JJLongoria / aura-helper

Repository for manage the development of Aura Helper VSCode Extension
GNU General Public License v3.0
9 stars 5 forks source link

Apex Comments is not working #53

Open Pandar1Young opened 1 month ago

Pandar1Young commented 1 month ago

image Auto compeletiong poped up, but after click tab/enter key, auto compeletion dispeared. Nothing happended at last.

Pandar1Young commented 1 month ago

Cannot finish the work like documentation shows https://camo.githubusercontent.com/85e2cba249e9296a631e3d878a2317fbaf0b8ebccaea3a80a1d0118a8bd9d627/68747470733a2f2f6d656469612e67697068792e636f6d2f6d656469612f446e4b76756454326b5249735a52487350632f67697068792e676966

Pandar1Young commented 1 month ago

image 1 more thing... as you can see, aura helper didnt make the description of param2 right. It shows test1, as the realy one is test2

RaffaeleGranato commented 6 days ago

I have the same problem with apex comments

JJLongoria commented 6 days ago

Hello! Sorry for the delay... to much work! Sorry for the problems caused by Aura Helper bugs, im working on it to solve bugs ASAP, but Aura Helper is developed in my free time and now, dont have to much free time. I try to publish a fix ASAP.

Thanks for use Aura Helper and i hope you like it!
