JJTech0130 / pypush

[being rewritten] Cross-platform iMessage POC
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Implement receiving app push notifications #61

Closed hanoii closed 1 month ago

hanoii commented 7 months ago

I am not an iOS developer myself, but every now and then I have to do some testings, and one of the things it is requested is a real device to test push notifications, I wonder if this approach can be used for that as well?


JJTech0130 commented 7 months ago

Yes, this can definitely be implemented in the future

alexx96ew commented 7 months ago

Sam nie jestem programistą iOS, ale od czasu do czasu muszę przeprowadzić pewne testy i jedną z rzeczy, o które proszę, jest prawdziwe urządzenie do testowania powiadomień push. Zastanawiam się, czy można zastosować to podejście również do tego?



alexx96ew commented 7 months ago
