JK3Y / NPS-Browser-macOS

macOS version of NPS Browser
The Unlicense
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add a way to list titles by date added to nps database #1

Closed gatosardina closed 6 years ago

gatosardina commented 6 years ago

that way it'll be easier to check the newly added titles

gatosardina commented 6 years ago

or maybe just a way to see the titles added in the last x hours/days?

JK3Y commented 6 years ago

Yeah that's something that I can implement. I'm not sure if you know this, but the title ids (which the list is sorted by) are incremental. The newest releases are going to be at the bottom of the list.

gatosardina commented 6 years ago

yeah i did notice, but not all games that are being added are the newest releases

JK3Y commented 6 years ago

This was added in commit https://github.com/JK3Y/Swift-NPS-Browser/commit/bef3fb5f4df7d26cdbf5431e49be652a8a20d599#diff-ae82e50752909c84f986ea9b1416ae08