JK3Y / NPS-Browser-macOS

macOS version of NPS Browser
The Unlicense
183 stars 21 forks source link

Constant crash on start #22

Closed Korsovich closed 5 years ago

Korsovich commented 5 years ago

I was adding code for the repositories so I could use this program. I got PSV tsv for games, dlc, themes. Then I added pkg dec parameters -x {pkgFile} "{zRifKey}" -- Then CompPack URL: | https://gitlab.com/nopaystation_repos/nps_compati_packs/raw/master/entries.txt CompPack Patch URL: | https://gitlab.com/nopaystation_repos/nps_compati_packs/raw/master/entries_patch.txt and closed the window and reloaded. It now crashes constantly and i cant access the settings to change any information. Its stuck in a loop and I removing the DMG and app and restarting does nothing. Has this issue come up yet?

JK3Y commented 5 years ago

Where are you putting the pkg2zip parameters? Those aren't needed. Those parameters are changed based on the selected options in Preferences:

screen shot 2018-08-04 at 4 34 44 pm

The only things that are needed by you are the URLs. You can try running the remove script from the Readme:

rm -r ~/Library/Application\ Support/NPS\ Browser/
rm -r ~/Library/Caches/JK3Y.NPS-Browser
defaults delete JK3Y.NPS-Browser
Korsovich commented 5 years ago

OMG Thank you! I couldn't find that file to delete and this worked perfect. I love you, you magnificent beast!