JK3Y / NPS-Browser-macOS

macOS version of NPS Browser
The Unlicense
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Game artwork fetching can be slow / cause app to crash #26

Closed JK3Y closed 5 years ago

JK3Y commented 5 years ago

If the user does not wait until the artwork has changed before selecting another row it causes the app to crash eventually. I believe the fetch requests are piling up and the promises are failing.

I decided to forgo using Alamofireimage as an image loader, thinking it to be unnecessary, but now I'll have to revisit this decision. I did want to eventually remove Alamofire all together, see #27

Currently the app makes the requests to Renascene using Alamofire but this is just to get the image url. The url is then loaded into an NSImage object using NSImage(contentsOf:). This is where I think the bottleneck/crash are occurring.