JK3Y / NPS-Browser-macOS

macOS version of NPS Browser
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Settings/Preferences window is nearly unaccessible #30

Closed phJapan closed 5 years ago

phJapan commented 5 years ago

screen shot 2018-08-16 at 6 42 19 pm

Settings/Preferences window is about a 1/3rd of it's intended size. Size cannot be adjusted making it nearly impossible to work with. Was able to paste PSV link and bring up the PSV titles in main browser.

Using OS X Yosemite 10.10.5.

Sir-Charles commented 5 years ago

screen shot 2018-08-17 at 7 05 13 pm

I have the same exact issue.. The preferences window can't be stretched manually or changed to full-screen, so could making it expandable fix this? Or is there some sort of config file that saves the preferences info that I can edit for now? I literally had to tab through the visible entries just to get PSV games entered, but still can't get PSV DLC or updates entered.

Also on OS X Yosemite 10.10.5

JK3Y commented 5 years ago

@Sir-Charles I'm working on getting an installer for Yosemite 10.10 so I can properly test for this build. I can upload a build that I have in development right now if you wanna test it really quick. The preferences window is completely redone

Sir-Charles commented 5 years ago

Ok cool, sure I'll test it. Also I was trying some things on OS X 10.10.5 and theres a few more issues, the downloads button isn't shown but I can see the DL progress if I click where the button should be, and opposite for the bookmarks, icon is there but window won't show.

Also I was able to enter the links for PSX and PSV DLC by using shift+tab to move up text boxes, but after downloading something they wouldn't extract, just stay as pkg's.

And I have a question for comp pack patches, what link do I use? The app crashes when I refresh using the same one as comp pack: "https://XXXXXX.com/nopaystation_repos/nps_compati_packs/raw/master/"

this is how my window looks with the v1.4.1 release screen shot 2018-08-18 at 8 35 32 am

JK3Y commented 5 years ago

@Sir-Charles compat Packs: https://gitlab.com/nopaystation_repos/nps_compati_packs/raw/master/entries.txt

compat Patch: https://gitlab.com/nopaystation_repos/nps_compati_packs/raw/master/entries_patch.txt

I've gotten the screen to look as it should. 10.10 has autolayout issues... so the solution was to put a constraint on each UI element.

I was able to open the downloads and bookmarks on this build too.

screen shot 2018-08-18 at 12 04 14 pm

I have a couple more things I want to add to this release, then it'll be sent out.

Things to be included in 1.4.2:

Sir-Charles commented 5 years ago

AWESOME!!! Thanks for the work you put into this, making a NPS Browser for us Mac users, and not forgetting the people still on 10.10. I was just using the spreadsheet and pkg2zip before, but this has made things so much quicker and easier, I really appreciate it! Can't wait to try out 1.4.2, keep up the good work!