JKISoftware / JKI-State-Machine

JKI State Machine
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Suggestions: Update deprecated properties, replace invalid Current VI Reference, and add menubar reference #6

Open alexgieg opened 6 years ago

alexgieg commented 6 years ago

I'd like to provide a few minor suggestions that, IMHO, would improve the JKI State Machine slightly. The screenshots are from LabVIEW 2017 17.0f2:

  1. Add a default reference to the current VI's menubar to the Core cluster in the "Data: Initialize" state: sm_1
  2. Initialize the menubar reference, substitute the FP.State property for deprecated FP.Open one, and link the error terminals, in the "Initialize Core Data" state: sm_2
  3. After closing the Current VI Reference in the "Data: Cleanup" state, substitute a default one for the previous invalid value: sm_3
  4. Finally, similar to item 2 above, substitute the FP.State property for the deprecated FP.Open one in the "UI: Front Panel State" state, adapting the case structures accordingly: sm_4 sm_5 sm_6 sm_7

I hope this helps!