JKorf / Binance.Net

A C# .netstandard client library for the Binance REST and Websocket Spot and Futures API focusing on clear usage and models
MIT License
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BinanceFutures >> GetAccountInfoAsync Timeout ERROR #1290

Open hcanak opened 11 months ago

hcanak commented 11 months ago


I am facing a connection issue for last 2-3 weeks. Let me describe;

  1. While my application is running, all spot and futures price mini tickers stop streaming suddenly
  2. Streaming starts again in 5-10 minutes spontaneously
  3. When i restart my application all endpoints works except for "BinanceFutures >> GetAccountInfoAsync", this gives timeout error.
  4. In 5-10 minutes timeout issue fixes spontaneously, and everything runs properly.

All above i told are observed in my vps which is in Contabo-Singapore region. While observing above issues on my vps, i try to run the sam app in my PC; in my pc everything runs properly:d (My pc's intenet connection is 100mbps and 1000ms ping to binance server)

I completely closed firewall on my vps, and it has 200mbps internet speed while facing issue.

Do you have any suggestion for this issue? Thanks already for your interest...