JKorf / Bybit.Net

A C# .netstandard client library for the Bybit REST and Websocket V5 API focusing on clear usage and models
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PositionMode type in BybitOrderUpdate after 3.5.0 update #197

Closed hcanak closed 4 months ago

hcanak commented 4 months ago


The type of PositionMode field in BybitOrderUpdate class is Bybit.Net.Enums.V5.PositionMode in last update 3.5.0. I think that it should be type of Bybit.Net.Enums.PositionMode. Can you check?

Bybit.Net.Enums.PositionMode is enum of OneWay, BothSideBuy and BothSideSell. Bybit.Net.Enums.V5.PositionMode is enum of MergedSingle and BothSides.

JKorf commented 4 months ago

Hi, seems like you're right. I've updated the enum type and renamed it to PositionIdx in the latest version