JKorf / Bybit.Net

A C# .netstandard client library for the Bybit REST and Websocket V5 API focusing on clear usage and models
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V5Api.Trading.GetPositionsAsync cannot parse json string correctly after 3.5.0 #198

Closed hcanak closed 4 months ago

hcanak commented 4 months ago


When i call V5Api.Trading.GetPositionsAsync, it gives following error;

Error Code: Error Message: [21] Deserialize JsonReaderException: Could not convert string to DateTime: 1708589721393. Path 'result.list[0].mmrSysUpdatedTime', line 1, position 751. Path: result.list[0].mmrSysUpdatedTime, LineNumber: 1, LinePosition: 751, data: { "retCode": 0, "retMsg": "OK", "result": {...

Thanks for your efford @JKorf

JKorf commented 4 months ago

Hi, property was missing a converter there, I've fixed it in 3.5.2