JKorf / Bybit.Net

A C# .netstandard client library for the Bybit REST and Websocket V5 API focusing on clear usage and models
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V5Api.Account.GetBalancesAsync(AccountType.Unified) throws error... #202

Closed hcanak closed 3 months ago

hcanak commented 3 months ago


V5Api.Account.GetBalancesAsync(AccountType.Unified) started to give following error;


Can you check? @JKorf

JKorf commented 3 months ago

Your server time seems to be ahead of the Bybit server

hcanak commented 3 months ago

Sorry, you are right. The error is in .V5Api.Account.GetAllAssetBalancesAsync(AccountType.Fund)

Error Message: Deserialize JsonSerializationException: Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Decimal'. Path 'result.list[0].fundFee', line 1, position 63.

JKorf commented 3 months ago

Can you double check? The only property using fundFee is a leveraged token endpoint it seems

hcanak commented 3 months ago

Can you double check? The only property using fundFee is a leveraged token endpoint it seems

I have issues about locating the error. The error is in GetLeverageTokensAsync endpoint.

JKorf commented 3 months ago

Right, this has been fixed in the latest version :)