JLBlk / Zen-Themes

Themes/Mods for @zen-browser
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[Feature Request] [SuperGradient] Color picker for simplified gradient creation #37

Closed Hikiru closed 3 weeks ago

Hikiru commented 4 weeks ago

The related Mod/Theme: SuperGradient

Your Enhancement Suggestion/Feature Request Add a color picker to more easily adjust gradients, if even possible. Additionally, you could have a "simple" color picker option where you choose one base color and the extension automatically makes the gradient, similar to arc.

JLBlk commented 3 weeks ago

Hey, sry for the late answer first of all, unfortunately it's not possible for me to include a color picker due to the limits of Mods, that would have to be implemented in Zen itself. However Zen is getting native support for gradients with a color picker like interface as you can see here: https://www.reddit.com/r/zen_browser/comments/1gc33hc/make_it_spin_early_but_working_prototype_please/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button