JLNYC / movie-review-app

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Research TMDB API #1

Closed Jen-Lopez closed 2 years ago

Jen-Lopez commented 2 years ago


What endpoints do we need to use?

lucasortizny commented 2 years ago

Authentication for the TMDB endpoints will be through API key (not feasible for scaling upwards). GET requests to /movie/ will be the primary. maybe GET /movie//similar for any recommendations. We can review more of the endpoints, but we are only making GET requests on movies. For the user to search, a GET request on /search/ is going to be the key. https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/movies/get-movie-details AND https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/search/search-movies

We can tackle further categorization like genres and stuff later. Primary focus will be on searching specific movies via a search bar.