JMAConsulting / biz.jmaconsulting.mte

Mandrill Emails Extension for CiviCRM
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civicrm_activity table filling up with Mandrill activities #26

Closed m4olivei closed 10 years ago

m4olivei commented 10 years ago


I got a notice from our webhost that our space was almost completely used up. On further investigation, it looks like the culprit is the civicrm_activity table, taking up over 2GB of disk space. Looking into the rows in there, the majority are activity_type_id 55, 56, and 57, which I figured out were: "Mandrill Email Sent", "Mandrill Email Open" and "Mandrill Email Click" respectively. Looks like what is really adding up is the details column, which stores a copy of the entire email every time. Is there anyway to either avoid logging an activity for each of these events or avoid storing the details for these events?

Using: Drupal 7.25 CiviCRM 4.3.5 Mandrill Transactional Emails v1.2

Thanks! Matt

JoeMurray commented 10 years ago

This is a feature request we would be happy to entertain if there was funding for it. I imagine we could have a 'Save Email Body with Actvities?' Yes/No field on the admin screen, maybe broken out by Activity type so it could be stored for sends but not opens or click-throughs. If there is no funding, you might just try removing line 194 from mte.php: 'details' => $params['html'],

i haven't tested this.


m4olivei commented 10 years ago

Sounds like a plan. Thanks for the help. I'll see if I can implement this for my client, if they are willing to fund, or if I just get inspired one boring night. In the meantime, I'll probably do what you suggest and comment out that line.

Thanks, Matt

JoeMurray commented 10 years ago

Oh, just looking around, you also need to deal with the callback routine. Please comment out line 167 of CRM/mte/Page/callback.php:

              $activityParams['details'] = $mailBody;

To prevent creating activities you might want to explore putting in some early return statements on a few of these functions.

m4olivei commented 10 years ago

Cool beans, thanks Joe.

xurizaemon commented 7 years ago

Over in #110 there's some WIP to make this a configurable option ...