Closed jpolton closed 1 year ago
@endaodea to choose between pure GEBCO or EMODNET data, and not look back...
Enda said:
"No pre-smoothing has been applied yet which is likely to be a small overall effect though may have some HPG implications. Also are straight from interpolation of SRC bathy rather then box meaning, though box meaning version didn't produce huge differences.
Will look int Mike's prefilter , it requires having N iterations * M order of filter extra points around the domain to be smoothed and thus needs a wider coordinates file to go with it and them make a final cut out into the AMM15 domain."
Have created a test pre-smoothed bathy and config file for SF12 case. available on Jamsin: jmmp_collab/AMM15/GATHER_EXPERIMENTAL_EMODNET_GEBCO_DOMAIN_CFG
@endaodea will add in the Baltic Mods from Nico
There is scope for improvement with Emodnet right out to the coast but the G-E-G is ready to go
The G-E-G bathy actually does not have any points that are Negative (though some are close to zero). This would mean no special treatment is needed for WAD for initial/bdy conditions. However we want a general solution in place to cover the case where negative bathy is present which would be the case if we used pure EMODNET
(We found another gotcha for that case, we think we have a solution)
Next stage is to set up 3D test case with new bathy to see if any issues in 3D. There after set up ME case. (probably a combo of Enda with Diegos advice )
Note Also found adding Lateral no slip bdy significantly improves tide but has a problematic point near a river in a 1 point estuary near Sweden. Could potentially edit this river point/estuary.
Bathy File update Wrote supporting documentation about how it was genearted in branch under review to be merged.
Note main points are:
Enda merging and testing options.
Will alert all when new bathymetry is settled.