While the Cray compiler appears to work fine with the 4.0.2 code, when compiling with the GNU compiler the model fails with a Seg Fault relating to unallocated memory.
This issue arises in the AR5 diagnostics, when they are not selected! Which is a little odd - and probably worth investigating further.
Patch to fix in diaar5.F90:
< IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'l_ar5 is ', l_ar5
< ! JDHA: area is never allocated if l_ar5 is FALSE. Inserting IF
< ! CALL iom_put( 'areacello', area(:,:) )
< IF( l_ar5 ) THEN
< CALL iom_put( 'areacello', area(:,:) )
< ! JDHA: end inserting IF
> CALL iom_put( 'areacello', area(:,:) )
While the Cray compiler appears to work fine with the 4.0.2 code, when compiling with the GNU compiler the model fails with a Seg Fault relating to unallocated memory.
This issue arises in the AR5 diagnostics, when they are not selected! Which is a little odd - and probably worth investigating further.
Patch to fix in diaar5.F90: