[Text below based on e-mails exchange with Ségolène Berthou and Andy Saulter, 24 Apr 2024]
A new project (at proposal stage, led by PML) will look at the potential impact of a large-scale roll out of offshore wind farms (floating structures which can be deployed at greater depth, and therefore in seasonally stratified areas) on the biodiversity of the northwest European shelf, and the idea is to implement wind farms in the regional coupled system (UM, WaveWatch and NEMO).
UM work: to be done by Oxford University funded to do it in this project
Wavewatch should be simple (point by point energy sink)
NEMO: a parameterisation for NEMO is not being resourced, as PML will be implementing it in FVCOM for finer scale modelling (100m scale rather than km-scale). NOC (Jeff's team) is not involved in this project unfortunately, but they would be best placed to do it.
There is also work with a FVCOM parameterisation for fixed windfarms in the PELAGIO project.
This would be of interest to us but we will need to resource porting the FVCOM wind farm parameterisation into NEMO: potential through a small research project within "Copernicus Service Evolution"?
• How mature this parameterization is in terms of impacts being validated by measurements? I.e. perhaps its OK to be on a watching brief with the FVCOM outcomes in the short term?
• Is it worth purely testing the impacts of changes to momentum stress resulting from the modification of near surface wind and waves (I wonder if the subgrid blocking does this effectively for waves?) regardless of having the flow modification parameterization in the ocean model?
• Wondering if this is also an issue for global scale models regards flow around/through reefs at sub-grid scale. It’s certainly something we had to adapt for the wave model. Could this be treated similarly?
Image attached so we can be clear on scales of the problem… Think yellow is earmarked rather than in operation?UK plans for offshore windfarms
[Text below based on e-mails exchange with Ségolène Berthou and Andy Saulter, 24 Apr 2024] A new project (at proposal stage, led by PML) will look at the potential impact of a large-scale roll out of offshore wind farms (floating structures which can be deployed at greater depth, and therefore in seasonally stratified areas) on the biodiversity of the northwest European shelf, and the idea is to implement wind farms in the regional coupled system (UM, WaveWatch and NEMO). UM work: to be done by Oxford University funded to do it in this project Wavewatch should be simple (point by point energy sink) NEMO: a parameterisation for NEMO is not being resourced, as PML will be implementing it in FVCOM for finer scale modelling (100m scale rather than km-scale). NOC (Jeff's team) is not involved in this project unfortunately, but they would be best placed to do it. There is also work with a FVCOM parameterisation for fixed windfarms in the PELAGIO project. This would be of interest to us but we will need to resource porting the FVCOM wind farm parameterisation into NEMO: potential through a small research project within "Copernicus Service Evolution"?
• How mature this parameterization is in terms of impacts being validated by measurements? I.e. perhaps its OK to be on a watching brief with the FVCOM outcomes in the short term? • Is it worth purely testing the impacts of changes to momentum stress resulting from the modification of near surface wind and waves (I wonder if the subgrid blocking does this effectively for waves?) regardless of having the flow modification parameterization in the ocean model? • Wondering if this is also an issue for global scale models regards flow around/through reefs at sub-grid scale. It’s certainly something we had to adapt for the wave model. Could this be treated similarly?
Image attached so we can be clear on scales of the problem… Think yellow is earmarked rather than in operation? UK plans for offshore windfarms