JMPerez / spotify-web-api-js

A client-side JS wrapper for the Spotify Web API
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Add support for auto pagination when fetching results #18

Open migsc opened 9 years ago

migsc commented 9 years ago

Hi, I'm currently working on a project where this would be useful. For each method that fetches paginated results, it'd be nice if there existed a convenience method that fetched all the pages in parallel.

Take getMySavedTracks for example, which has a maxinum number of 50 results per page. We'd have a method called:

getAllMySavedTracks(maxPages, optionsEach, callbackEach, callback)

Which fetches the first page, checks the total items, and creates requests if needed for each page using a limit and offset. The parameters could work as follows:

Currently, I do this on my own and it gets messy fast. Putting it in the API wrapper could save developers some headaches. If the paging could somehow be generalized, you'd end up with several clean convenience methods. The main usecase for this is for when dealing with a user who has a large music collection (personally I hoard and create too many playlists).

Let me know what you think. I'm totally willing to implement this, as I already have existing code I could refine to work within the wrapper.

JMPerez commented 9 years ago

Hi @mchateloin,

This sounds really interesting. I have thought of that in the past and it all depends on how smart you want the wrapper to be. At the moment it is just a mapping 1:1 with the Web API, which works well for most cases except for the ones you mentioned.

I already had a similar situation when coding the Spotify Deduplicator. In the end I would fetch the first page of items to get the length of the collection, and then would generate promises for the rest of the pages.

The main issue with having methods returning so many items is that they hide the undergoing requests. Due to the rate limiting of the Web API, one can easily exceed it when fetching all user's saved tracks or all user's playlists. Actually, that is what happened with certain users with a very large collection of music. So I decided to throttle the promises, delaying them a little bit to make sure I wasn't making too many requests, following an approach which I moved later to its own package.

In the end I thought that the cases in which one would have to traverse many pages in a collection would be few, and I wanted for the developer to be able to set a certain rate limit, so the wrapper wouldn't blindly make a ton of requests.

I think a good start is that you create something on top of the wrapper that can generically manage pagination and get X results or all results. And internally it would handle queueing the requests and managing rate limiting.

migsc commented 9 years ago

Good point. I haven't run into problems with the rate limits yet so I wasn't taking that into account. I tried to find more information on those limits, but the Spotify Web API docs doesn't say much about numbers. Don't know if this is published elsewhere?

So I'm traversing playlists in my project too. And I'm looking for all the artists from each track. With your Spotify Deduplicator project, do you remember roughly what amount of requests in a short time it took to hit the rate limit? Looking at your code in spotify-dedup, I see you're setting your promise queue to 10 requests per second. Is that usually a safe bet?

JMPerez commented 9 years ago

Yes, the documentation doesn't specify a certain number or requests. I thought that 10 req/sec was enough, taking into account that it might happen that other user used the site at the same time, contributing to the amount of requests for that same client_id.

The good thing is that I can always go back and decrease if users complain.

migsc commented 9 years ago

Cool, thanks for the advice!

wmitchel commented 5 years ago

Is this still the recommended way to handle pagination with the new release?

omarryhan commented 4 years ago

I made this Typescript auto pagination helper. Unfortunately it doesn't run in parallel, but I hope some would find it useful:

interface Pagination {
  next?: string;
  items: object[];

export const getAllPages = async <Response extends Pagination>(
  request: Promise<Response>,
): Promise<Response> => {
  const paginatedResponse = await request;

  let currentResponse = paginatedResponse;

  while ( {
    currentResponse = await spotifyApi.getGeneric(,
    ) as Response;
    paginatedResponse.items = paginatedResponse.items.concat(currentResponse.items);

  return paginatedResponse;

To call it:

const paginatedResponse = await getAllPages<SpotifyApi.PlaylistTrackResponse>(
  spotifyApi.getPlaylistTracks(playlistId, { limit: 50 }),