JMoVS / installing_video_transcoding_on_windows

Installing Don Melton's excellent video_transcoding scripts on Windows
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Rev Windows Subsystem for Linux instructions #8

Closed samhutchins closed 7 years ago

samhutchins commented 7 years ago

The Windows Creator's update is out, and using the Windows Subsystem for Linux to install these tools is much easier

samhutchins commented 7 years ago

Paging @donmelton for his thoughts too

lisamelton commented 7 years ago

@samhutchins Well, my first thought is that this seems a lot simpler now. And I assume this really is easier too? That is, not fraught with as many gotchas?

samhutchins commented 7 years ago

The big gotcha is that the output from handbrake seems to bring the whole system to a crawl. I presume it's a bug in lxss, but it seems to struggle with that many console writes :-(

But yeah, it's a lot easier to install these tools in lxss now than it used to be, but I still prefer using windows builds because of the issue noted above.

lisamelton commented 7 years ago

@samhutchins That's one weird damn bug then. Does it compromise the speed of transcoding?

JMoVS commented 7 years ago

@samhutchins I think we should open an issue on Microsofts githup repo of the windows subsystem on linux on this and see what they think of it. What do you think?

samhutchins commented 7 years ago

@JMoVS I think we should do some work to be sure sure it's a bug in their system, and not one they're already aware of

@donmelton The performance of the encode doesn't seem to be much affected, it just feels a bit unresponsive while the transcode is happening. If anything my tests in lxss were faster, 7 min 39 on lxss, 8 min 19 on Windows for the same input

I'll try to capture a video to show the issue

Other thoughts:

JMoVS commented 7 years ago

I sort of remember that somewhere, somebody already talked about lxss getting slow when a lotmofnlines are output. Was that here? Really not sure right now (and a quick Google search didn't show anything promising either).

Why do you think putting the computer in developer mode is not good? We're asking people to work in a shell, modifiy PATH and put /random/ binaires in specific places.

Does it make a difference when you run it in PowerShell instead of cmd.exe?

samhutchins commented 7 years ago

You raise a fair point about PATH modification and random binaries...

I dunno, I've always felt that developer mode makes a system a little less secure, but I don't actually know that that's the case on Windows. Perhaps I'm already becoming a bit stuck in my ways, I've always just used CMD and whatever windows binaries I can find for any command line work.

I think I'm happy to recommend either way to be honest

I've tried launching bash from the start menu, from cmd, from powershell, and from ConEmu; it's all the same. Given how it doesn't actually affect the transcode speed it's probably not that big a deal, it just feels weird. As for what's causing the lag I wonder if it's because transcode-video is copying the output from HandBrake one character at a time. I dunno if doing it line by line would make any difference. Would have to check with @donmelton to understand how all that works anyway

It's worth noting that in order to preview crops using mpv you need to do PATH modification regardless of how you install everything else. Unless there's a nicely wrapped up MPV installer that I'm not aware of

JMoVS commented 7 years ago

Ok, I will try to get it setup with my Dad soon. If it passes the Dad test, I think it has pro's and con's. Let's reevaluate this soon - I don't think I can try to get it working with my dad before the coming weekend, so I still need some time.

But as these instructions are lightyears better than what was before, I'll merge them now and treat the new recommendation as a separate PR then. Thank you very very much @samhutchins!