JNechaevsky / international-doom

Small, functional and simple source ports, created with help, efforts and bits of code from people around the world.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[Feature] Inter-Doom: Extended autoload support #106

Open NightFright2k19 opened 6 months ago

NightFright2k19 commented 6 months ago

Consequently, after issue #104 has been granted:

Inter-Doom should also support certain official pwads in autoload, namely:

It might also be considered to add the Master Levels to this exception, even though it might become a bit excessive. In that case, following subdirs would be concerned: attack.wad, blacktwr.wad, bloodsea.wad, canyon.wad, catwalk.wad, combine.wad, fistula.wad, garrison.wad, geryon.wad, manor.wad, mephisto.wad, minos.wad, nessus.wad, paradox.wad, subspace.wad, subterra.wad, teeth.wad, ttrap.wad, vesperas.wad, virgil.wad

Masterlevels.wad would require dedicated support and I dunno if you want to go that far. Currently it only works in ports with some sort of MAPINFO/UMAPINFO support. Woof! supports it, which I think might be close enough to vanilla.

As there are no more official pwads (Sigil 1+2 are not from id or its affiliates), this should cover everything. I understand if you don't want to go overboard with this feature, so I won't ask for more. :)

Meerschweinmann commented 6 months ago

It is one of those where to start, where to end topics. The both Sigil for example are not official, but from one person who made the official DOOM. So it is not the same unofficial as when i would release a map. The other side is, with Slade3 i could integrate everything i wanted in pwads all those years.

But i would appreciate it too when the most popular wads get autoload status, when there is content that can be autoloaded.

NightFright2k19 commented 6 months ago

I mean, with a decent launcher like DoomRunner it is not a problem to load stuff like widescreen assets on demand. Regarding the Master Levels, I made some custom fixes for myself which automatically add level names etc via DEHACKED, so autoload support like in Crispy for those would be handy.

I understand and totally accept if Julia doesn't want to completely adopt the Crispy scheme, but since we opened the door with Hexen DK, I think it's only logical to take this step. Actually, I was rather surprised Chex 2 didn't work.

The Sigils (and the upcoming Hellion) I would categorize as edge cases. Many consider them official since they are made by Romero, but technically they are PWADs like any other made by the community. I mean, I wouldn't mind if they were supported as well. Widescreen assets for them have been made, too. And one could autoload the commercial music wads, too.

Meerschweinmann commented 6 months ago

Doomrunner is an option, sure.

For those who have a shortcut with Inter-DOOM.exe the autoload option is fine. Pwads can be loaded per drag&drop onto that shortcut.

I am using Inter-Heretic and Inter-Hexen like that. Hexen in widescreen without widescreen assets looks really weird, because of the cut weapon-sprites and HUD. The Hexdd autoload was the cherry on top to use the correct titlepic.

And yeah, SIGIL music could be autoloaded too. But i can integrate the music in the wad, too, what i have done. But Not everybody knows how to handle Slade3 or wants to use Doomrunner.

In the end Julia has to decide and i agree, that not every wad should generate a folder, because after some time and many wads this could be a really mess in the autoload folder.

NightFright2k19 commented 6 months ago

I'd say Chex Quest 2 and NRFTL are realistic requests. The rest is up to Miss International. ;)

Meerschweinmann commented 6 months ago

Miss International will enlighten us and we will follow 😀