JOSM / areaselector

JOSM Area Selection Plugin
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Upgrading an existing building #21

Closed a-pirard closed 7 years ago

a-pirard commented 8 years ago


When mapping with AS, I often come across existing buildings that were badly mapped. They have just a building=yes tag and they are 2 to 5 m off the exact position etc. In that case, the fastest option is to erase that building and to build a new AS one. But that is unfair to the original mapper whose name is removed from history. And, on the other hand, there might be interesting tags to keep, and it's best to keep the way's ID in case it's in a relation.

So, I suggest to build an AS building that keeps those data from another. It's similar to the Conflation plugin but done much much more simply. What I have tediously done manually shows the basis of the simple operation.

Thanks on behalf of original mappers.

r00tat commented 8 years ago

Thanks again for your feedback!

Areaselector automatically merges nodes, that are near to each other. So if you map a building with AS over the existing building, the corners might be merged. if you press C it will combone the new and the old one.

I think automating this is a little hard, because if the building is 4m off, and the nodes are merged the new one will also be 4 m off.

a-pirard commented 8 years ago

On 2015-11-11 12:10, Paul wrote :

Thanks again for your feedback!

Areaselector automatically merges nodes, that are near to each other. So if you map a building with AS over the existing building, the corners might be merged. if you press C it will combone the new and the old one.

Ah, I didn't think of that because my mind was focused on merging to attach buildings. Moving (only) one node to the (some) correct place prior to using AS can skip having to merge it afterwards, but the rest has still to be done manually and it would be welcome that AS were doing it automatically, except Tag Merge which may require a human decision.

So, I suggest the following documentation update:

merge nodes

Normally, the AreSelector plugin creates a polygon having its own, new nodes. If the /merge nodes/ setting is selected, and if a node belonging to another building exists near enough to any node to be created, AreSelector will use that node instead of a new one (this amounts to merging the two nodes). So

  • AreaSelector will merge the nodes of the neighbouring wall of two attached buildings
  • if an unprecisely mapped building already exists, (only) one of its node can be moved to the correct position to be used by AreaSelector; after the new building is created, the two ways can be Combined, the tags can be merged, and the old nodes can be deleted. That is conflation, keeping the history of the old building.

"near enough": should be clarified (I met cases where the walls were not or partially merged and I don't know what to do except correct it) " belonging to another building": in case AS is used only for buildings, else another scheme must be devised; you should beware of attaching buildings to, for example, landuse.

First, decide if you want AeaSelector to make the conflation automatically and make your own changes to that text. Return me your updated version. I can add the manual conflation in detail if you like.

I think automating this is a little hard, because if the building is 4m off, and the nodes are merged the new one will also be 4 m off.

Not if the user is asked to move that node first, which is the way to unescapably having to indicate the old building.

I think, but I did not spend time to check that, that the Conflation plugin is too bulky to learn and use.

Hoping this can help,



a-pirard commented 8 years ago

Hi Paul,

Following our discussion, I propose the following documentation update. If you automate steps 2-4 with a button in the AS dialog, it will save many clicks. Enabling AS to drag a node will save switching out and in of AS mode.

I have many upgrades to do, as probably many users mapping precisely with AS. Do you intend to do that automation and should I wait or go on without?

Keeping History when replacing a building

Sometimes, a building is very badly tagged and the fastest thing to do is to erase it and make a new one in one click with AreaSelector. But it's unfair to the contributor who mapped it because his name is removed from the History of that building. Doing the following keeps the History:

  1. move one node of the old building to a corner of the area onto which AreaSelector will create a node
  2. use AreaSelector to create the new building
  3. select the 2 ways of the old and the new buildings and
    • click/type command C to Combine the 2 ways
    • confirm Reverse and Combined if proposed
    • choose the _tags to _merge\ and click Apply
  4. delete the nodes of the old building

Hoping this can help, TIA, Cheers


a-pirard commented 8 years ago

Github seems to have discarded the HTML e-mail I sent for you to get the formated text. Copy and paste here: nope. I wanted to upload it and it said Unfortunately, we don’t support that file type. Try again with a PNG, GIF, JPG, DOCX, PPTX, XLSX, TXT, or PDF. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

a-pirard commented 7 years ago

What is suggested here is in fact almost already implemented in utilsplugin2. This overly complicated text has been replaced with a "replacing a building..." new bug making it very simple for the mapper to be fair in two clicks.