JOSM / areaselector

JOSM Area Selection Plugin
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building replacement undo error #29

Closed a-pirard closed 6 years ago

a-pirard commented 6 years ago

Hi Paul,

The attached file is the result of completely undoing the replacement of the upper right building with the bottom left one. Trying to play with that construct produces program exceptions. JOSM is in a funny state and must be restarted without risking to save anything, hence ruining work.

Hoping this will help.


AS undo

r00tat commented 6 years ago

This does not really help. If you can send me a stacktrace I can look into the details.

a-pirard commented 6 years ago

On 2017-07-28 11:29, Paul wrote:

This does not really help. If you can send me a stacktrace I can look into the details.

No need to send you a stacktrace that you can produce yourself and that will be useless when the original problem will be corrected. Do exactly as I said: Start JOSM. Download Object Way: 327747420. Open PICC imagery. Run AS near that way. Undo several times. Can't fully Undo, you'll see the funny picture I sent. Only trying to delete or move what remains produces an exception. While proofing this, replacement did not always work. Only at low zoom? Only the first time? Only after moving original way? ...? Does what I said help?

a-pirard commented 6 years ago

Paul, This issue seems to be solved. I see no more problems undoing what AS did. But I'd better let you close the case yourself. BTW: is it possible to be warned of AS updates and to see a log of the changes? Often useful to coordinate our own tests and comments. Thanks and best regards.

r00tat commented 6 years ago

Hi Andre, Normally if I fix an issue I will refer to the issue in the commit, so you should see when an issue gets resolved. In this case something in JOSM might have changed, or one of the other contributers fixed it.

a-pirard commented 6 years ago

On 2018-05-08 18:03, Paul wrote:

Normally if I fix an issue I will refer to the issue in the commit, so you should see when an issue gets resolved. Hi Paul, I wasn't speaking of being notified that my issues are resolved. I was speaking of being warned of any update and what they include. It's great to notice improvements but it's making wrong conclusions about one's settings tuning if you don't know them.

I might try to run your image algorithms outside of JOSM, such as with GIMP scripts. Is it possible and realistic? I stumbled upon this and I wondered if it could help you.

Is it possible to send you private e-mail?

All the best, André.