JOSM / areaselector

JOSM Area Selection Plugin
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Building replacement should merge tags and resolve their conflicts #30

Open a-pirard opened 6 years ago

a-pirard commented 6 years ago

Building replacement should merge tags and resolve their conflicts the same way that Replace Geometry does. Doing it "by hand" is a real chore. See #23.

BTW: In Preferences, this would almost be a mini documentation: Replace with the new building the existing building near which the AreaSelector click is made.

Keep the good work, Paul, it's extremely useful for those who know. (much better work than the buildings being replaced) TIA !!!

a-pirard commented 5 years ago

Please Paul !

Tagging a new house takes < 15 sec (unless touch up is needed) But if it's a replacement, Using Replace Geometry is needed to merge tags. And that takes much longer manually, especially if some are forgotten before Upload Data.

I see that while staying in Improve way Accuracy mode:

Am I wrong thinking that while staying in AreaSelector mode:

Please Paul !!! TIA