JP-Ellis / tikz-feynman

Feynman Diagrams with TikZ
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Dots don't appear in vertices #52

Closed mrnovoa closed 6 years ago

mrnovoa commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to add red dots in the vertices but, for a certain reason they don't appear. I'm compiling with lualatex on overleaf.



\draw [decoration={markings,mark=at position 1 with
    {\arrow[scale=3,>=stealth]{>}}},postaction={decorate}] (5,1) -- (6.5,1);
\vertex (a1) {\( b\)};
\vertex[right=1.5cm of a1, dot, red] (a2);
\vertex[above right=1cm of a2] (a3);
\vertex[below right=1cm of a3, dot, red] (a4);
\vertex[right=1cm of a4] (a5) {\( s\)};
\vertex[above=1cm of a5] (c1) {\(\ell ^+\)};
\vertex[above=1cm of c1] (c3) {\(\ell ^-\)};
\vertex[dot, red] at ($(c1)!0.5!(c3) - (1.5cm, 0)$) (c2);
%\vertex[above=1.5cm of a5] (c2);
\vertex[right=3cm of a5] (a1p) {\( b\)};
\vertex[right=2cm of a1p, dot, red] (a2p);
\vertex[right=2cm of a2p] (a5p) {\( s\)};
\vertex[above=1cm of a5p] (c1p) {\(\ell ^+\)};
\vertex[above=1cm of c1p] (c3p) {\(\ell ^-\)};
%\vertex[above=1.5cm of a5] (c2);

\diagram* {
(a1) -- (a2) -- [quarter left,edge label=\(t\),green!50!black](a3) -- [quarter left,edge label=\(t\),green!50!black] (a4) -- (a5)},
(c3) -- [fermion] (c2) -- [fermion] (c1),
(a3) -- [photon, bend left,edge label=\(Z\),green!50!black] (c2),
(a2) -- [boson, out=-60, in=240, looseness=1.50, edge label'=\(W^{+}\),green!50!black] (a4),
(a1p) -- (a2p) --  (a5p)},
(c3p) -- [fermion] (a2p) -- [fermion] (c1p)



martingabelmann commented 6 years ago

For those who also struggle with this: you need to prodive (empty) node content to the vertex, otherwise its still zero-sized (according to the docs):


worked for me.