JP-Ellis / tikz-feynman

Feynman Diagrams with TikZ
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Compiler cannot find PGF files even though they exist #62

Closed ominusliticus closed 4 years ago

ominusliticus commented 5 years ago

I hope to communicate this problem as comprehensibly as possible: The file tikzlibraryfeynman.code.tex has these line of code in it


And the corresponding ~/MikTex/tex/generic/pgf/graphdrawing/lua/pgf/gd/ has these exact folders in it.

Even the corresponding pgf documents (pgflibrarygraphdrawing.<insert lib name>.code.tex) reference these libraries.

However, when I try to compile my LaTeX document using the LuaLaTeX compiler, it throws me the error "! Package pgf Error: Graph drawing library 'circular' not found." Commenting out that line from the tikzlibraryfeynman.code.tex just causes it to say the next library cannot be found.

More importantly, when I use the XeLaTeX compiler none such errors arise, even if I comment out the entire section above from tikzlibraryfeynman.code.tex.

I run Windows 10 and use the TeXworks IDE to all my typesetting.

Please advise.

Elliot2560 commented 5 years ago

I am experiencing the same issue. I am running texlive on Arch Linux and invoking lualatex via latexmk in Sublime Text.

What's strange is that this was totally working last Friday, and I don't recall making any updates to texlive that would break this. It was working on an old computer with an out-of-date installation of texlive.

I suspect this is a problem with the compiler, not the library, though. Even when tikz-feynman is not loaded, just trying to load graphdrawing and graph drawing libraries with cause the error.

Elliot2560 commented 5 years ago

After some searching, I think the root cause is with pgf. This issue here explains the cause and provides a workaround: (Note that for the workaround to work with tikz-feynman, you need to load tikz and graphdrawing before the luacode block, then load tikz-feynman)

ominusliticus commented 5 years ago

So I tried including tikz before tikz-feynman, and that did not work. Are you saying my .STY file should look like this


I, myself, am not using any lua code. Just trying to draw diagrams using tex commands.

Elliot2560 commented 5 years ago

No, I'm saying in the preamble you could include something like this:

  function pgf_lookup_and_require(name)
    local sep = '/'
    if string.find(os.getenv('PATH'),';') then
      sep = '\string\\'
    local function lookup(name)
      local sub = name:gsub('%.',sep)
      local find_func = function (name, suffix)
        if resolvers then
          local n = resolvers.findfile (name.."."..suffix, suffix) -- changed
          return (not (n == '')) and n or nil
          return kpse.find_file(name,suffix)
      if find_func(sub, 'lua') then
      elseif find_func(sub, 'clua') then
        return false
      return true
      lookup('' .. name .. '.library') or
      lookup('' .. name) or
      lookup(name .. '.library') or

The lua code is a workaround that comes from the issue that I linked to in the earlier comment.

ominusliticus commented 5 years ago

I see, I completely misunderstand what that meant. Thank you for clarifying.

JP-Ellis commented 4 years ago

Has this issue been fixed? I don't believe it was a TikZ-Feynman issue in the first place?

Elliot2560 commented 4 years ago

Right, I think this was caused by an error (all the way upstream!) in pgf. According to this comment, the upstream error has been fixed. I tested (using pgf 3.1.4b) with some old documents that experienced this issue before, and they seem to compile fine.

ominusliticus commented 4 years ago

Yes, I just tried running the file I was looking at, at the time; it compiled successfully.