JPG-Consulting / rfid-desfire

Arduino RFID Library for MFRC522 for DESFire
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STATUS_NO_ROOM status after PICC_RequestATS function #1

Open Dizgah opened 7 years ago

Dizgah commented 7 years ago

Hi, I am trying to port this desfire library to my ARM MCU. ISO14443 level is finished successfully and I received valid SAK,but when I want to try for RATS,after sending equivalent command to PICC I do not receive any answer and PCD_TransceiveData() method returned STATUS_NO_ROOM ,can any one help me please?

JPG-Consulting commented 7 years ago


The STATUS_NO_ROOM usually tells you that the given array to receive the data is too small.

MFRC522::StatusCode DESFire::PICC_RequestATS(byte *atsBuffer, byte *atsLength)

You are passing a pointer to the atsBuffer, and the length of that buffer as atsLength. Have you tried with a bigger buffer?