JPII / NavalBattle

Strategic turn-based naval game.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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HUD event String queue #215

Closed abauer closed 11 years ago

abauer commented 11 years ago

now zach needs to display it...

maximusvladimir commented 11 years ago


abauer commented 11 years ago

may be combined with the chat program

ThomasGaubert commented 11 years ago

I like the combination idea, though PAW will need text input now cough

abauer commented 11 years ago

not exactly; but i see what you mean, kinda, i was thinking the chat window would be transparent. probably on a different thread to prevent lag (for loops require cpu time...)

ThomasGaubert commented 11 years ago

Okay that makes more sense.

abauer commented 11 years ago

yeah that's why i had to move this issue and comment out that string stuff, basically i spilt the milk

maximusvladimir commented 11 years ago

"probably on a different thread to prevent lag"

There comes a time when putting things on a separate thread is not going to help performance. I believe that our program is using about 23 or 24 threads currently. Microsoft Windows typically limits the number of threads on a 32 bit machine to 25 threads. After this point, Windows (I am pretty sure), begins stacking threads into other ones, which basically means it isn't going to help performance. Also, it depends on how many cpu cores the system has. (Meaning our computers, having 4 cores, can perform certain tasks better than Zach's, with 2 cores, etc).

abauer commented 11 years ago

What i meant, was put this into the chat program; and my idea will not work, so a redesign needs to be done

maximusvladimir commented 11 years ago

Just have it re-render a buffer, using the onMessageRecieved event for the PavoServer/Client. This is a thread that is not too busy.

abauer commented 11 years ago

combine with chat program...

maximusvladimir commented 11 years ago

That's a good idea.

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