JPII / NavalBattle

Strategic turn-based naval game.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 3 forks source link

Ship Stats #234

Closed ThomasGaubert closed 11 years ago

ThomasGaubert commented 11 years ago

@abauer can organize/file away

abauer commented 11 years ago

question; attack ranges both primary and secondary for each?

ThomasGaubert commented 11 years ago

What does primary and secondary mean?

abauer commented 11 years ago

primary = guns; secondary = missiles (but in case of AC means airstrike)

ThomasGaubert commented 11 years ago

Oh okay. I don't know what they are currently, but I think the existing range for the primary attack (guns) is fine. The attack range should be the same for all ships and should only be dependent on the weapon type. Missiles should have a larger range (about 2 more than the guns?).

abauer commented 11 years ago

ok cool, glad we discussed that

abauer commented 11 years ago

ok primary attacks (guns) have 5 range, secondary attacks (missiles) have 7 range, airstrikes have 9 range

abauer commented 11 years ago
