JPL-IMCE / gov.nasa.jpl.imce.oml

Ontology Modeling Language (OML) Workbench
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OML Features are not updatable #25

Open castillr opened 7 years ago

castillr commented 7 years ago

The two features that are a part of OML Workbench are not updatable

NicolasRouquette commented 7 years ago

The oml.rcp.product is feature-based and the features are enabled for update per this tutorial:

With the OML WB product installed, adding an update site for the archive of, Eclipse detects that two features can be updated. However, the actual update fails with error messages:

JPL's Ontological Modeling Language Runtime Support will be ignored because it is already installed, and updates are not permitted.
JPL's Ontological Modeling Language Workbench will be ignored because it is already installed, and updates are not permitted.