JPL-IMCE / gov.nasa.jpl.imce.oml

Ontology Modeling Language (OML) Workbench
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Performance improvements for OMLZip. #260

Closed NicolasRouquette closed 6 years ago

NicolasRouquette commented 6 years ago

In OMLSpecificationTables loadOMLZipResource should not call includeModulesince it will be called, if needed, later in processQueue.

Test whether void resolve(ResourceSet rs, OMLZipResource r) has become superfluous and if so remove it.

NicolasRouquette commented 6 years ago

With the profiler, a significant performance bottleneck comes from Xtext's linking, which in OML, is defined in gov.nasa.jpl.imce.oml.linking.OMLLinkingService.getLinkedObjects.

When converting thousands of OML models in *.oml textual concrete syntax, there can be hundreds of thousands of calls to OMLLinkingService.getLinkedObjects even after all models have been loaded. This is clearly an opportunity for a read-only cache optimization.