JPL-IMCE / gov.nasa.jpl.imce.oml

Ontology Modeling Language (OML) Workbench
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The OML WB bundle does not have some apache plugins #267

Open melaasar opened 6 years ago

melaasar commented 6 years ago

The OML WB bundle for MacOS does not have the following plugins: org.apache.poi;bundle-version="3.9.0", org.apache.poi.ooxml;bundle-version="3.9.0"

despite that these plugins are intended to be in the target platform

NicolasRouquette commented 6 years ago

I noticed that as well. Somehow, building an RCP product only includes the plugins/features that are directly or indirectly in scope of the product's features.

We can try adding these plugins; however, this may increase the size of the OML WB product to > 250Mb, the limit of what we can publish on bintray.

Maven/Tycho produces several big archives:

The large zip is the concern here; for example:
Size: 247.98 MB
sha256: d1e6ee1a58eca4d4496406252fd52e42634451db0c759bc42d067822ca3dc44c
Size: 237.04 MB
sha256: 763ce7d14eeed47557241808f97db377bd98ccdf46c84422071d2371b92ceddf
Size: 237.88 MB
sha256: 1b0f04af363640c6a8ab0028e099046e3152f9c5f80e683888b1fffa8d622c03
Size: 236.81 MB
sha256: 677772e4ffb960bf1bbf17b8b12202a00b0f5c8c739926de9c9e7c66eb1f73f7

Do you know how to tell Maven/Tycho NOT publish the gov.nasa.jpl.imce.oml.product-<version>.zip?