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Add miscellaneous properties in FSE for function characteristics. #132

Open NicolasRouquette opened 5 years ago

NicolasRouquette commented 5 years ago

Properties of Function:

New = An OML entityScalarDataProperty in fse.oml with:

Missing Column Source New
End Circuit Type eciCategory hasEndCircuitType
End Circuit 1 endCircuit1 hasEndCircuitNamedRole1
End Circuit 2 endCircuit2 hasEndCircuitNamedRole2
Functions Per Page functionsPerPage hasFunctionsPerPage
Note 1 note1 hasNote1
Note 2 note2 hasNote2
Ground Tree Ref 1 groundTreeRef1 hasGroundTreeRef1
Ground Tree Ref 2 groundTreeRef2 hasGroundTreeRef2
Function Rev functionRev hasFunctionRev
wprop wprop hasCableImpedance (already defined)
Note 3 note3 hasNote3
Note 4 note4 hasNote4
Note 5 note5 hasNote5
Note 6 note6 hasNote6
End Circuit 1 Part Number endCircuit1PartNumber hasEndCircuit1PartNumber
End Circuit 2 Part Number endCircuit2 (looks like a bug in the Exporter) hasEndCircuit2PartNumber
Connector 1 Type/Part Number connector1TypePartNumber hasEndConnector1TypePartNumber
Connector 2 Type/Part Number connector2TypePartNumber hasEndConnector2TypePartNumber
Cross-Strapped crossStrapped hasCrossStrapped
View 1 view1 hasView1
View 2 view2 hasView2
View 3 view3 hasView3
Assembly 1 Board Schematic Signal Name assembly1BoardSchematicSignalNames hasAssembly1BoardSchematicSignalNames
Assembly 2 Board Schematic Signal Name assembly2BoardSchematicSignalNames hasAssembly2BoardSchematicSignalNames
Comments comments hasComments

Properties of Assembly:

New = An OML entityScalarDataProperty in fse.oml with:

Missing Column Source New
CogE coge hasCogE
StevenJenkinsJPL commented 5 years ago

I realize I'm out of town but we don't just blindly copy properties from existing spreadsheets into OML string properties. We don't just encode existing practice.

For example, there is already an object property (mission:joins[12]) that relates a Function to an EndCircuit. Why are we creating a redundant string property?

For another, we should not use stupid abbreviations like "wprop" in our ontologies. We should find out what the property really means and say that explicitly. And give every property a meaningful range.

Connector part numbers are not properties of Functions. Note3? Note4? Note5? Note6? Opaque and obscure. THAT'S NOT THE WAY WE DO IT.

NicolasRouquette commented 5 years ago

Dave asked me to add these properties; there is apparently a pressing need for this info.

Good point about endCircuit1 and endCircuit2, I'll delete these as they can be computed in reports. The name wprop is a known bad legacy name; Dave found the proper name, I'll update it.

NicolasRouquette commented 5 years ago

fse:hasCableImpedance was already defined as a property of a Net, remove the redundant definition for Function.

NicolasRouquette commented 5 years ago

Turns out the endCircuit[12] properties of a function are in fact needed but incorrectly named. Based on an analysis of the actual data, suggest adding these properties back but with a name that conveys the meaning of the information carried in the property: endCircuitRoleName[12]. That is, the end circuits of a function play roles; the value of endCircuitRoleName[12] on a particular function is the name of the role of the corresponding end circuit connected to that function.