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Build and run CARDAMOM on Pleiades #21

Open jjacob7734 opened 10 months ago

jjacob7734 commented 10 months ago

Install, build, and run this version of CARDAMOM on Pleiades:

A sample input file from @aantonyb is on the MGHG SDS team share as

jjacob7734 commented 10 months ago

Build with icc to be compatible with the NetCDF module available on Pleiades. Commands to build on a Pleiades front-end host (pfe##): module load comp-intel/2020.4.304 module load mpi-hpe/mpt.2.28_25Apr23_rhel87 module load hdf5/1.8.18_mpt module load hdf4/4.2.12 module load netcdf/ git clone cd CARDAMOM_2.1.6c/C/projects/ icc CARDAMOM_MDF/CARDAMOM_MDF.c -o CARDAMOM_MDF/CARDAMOM_MDF -lm -lnetcdf icc CARDAMOM_GENERAL/CARDAMOM_RUN_MODEL.c -o CARDAMOM_GENERAL/CARDAMOM_RUN_MODEL -lnetcdf

jjacob7734 commented 10 months ago

Ran with the following PBS script. The wall time used was 07:23:26. #PBS -S /bin/bash #PBS -N cardamom-test #PBS -q long #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mpiprocs=1:model=ivy #PBS -l walltime=12:00:00 #PBS -j oe #PBS -W group_list=s1055 # # Load required modules module load comp-intel/2020.4.304 module load mpi-hpe/mpt.2.28_25Apr23_rhel87 module load hdf5/1.8.18_mpt module load hdf4/4.2.12 module load netcdf/ # # Run model cd /nobackup/jcjacob/ghg/cardamom/test ./CARDAMOM_MDF ./ test.cbr > log.txt 2>&1 ./CARDAMOM_RUN_MODEL ./ test.cbr >> log.txt 2>&1

jjacob7734 commented 10 months ago

Histogram of output PROB variable after filtering the data to the range [-34,-10]:


kbowman77 commented 10 months ago

Looks great! Can you add Anthony's plot? I think this has been successfully completed. We need a new task to validate for stochastic systems and with a specific run of DALEC.