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Build and run CARDAMOM on Pleiades #21

Open jjacob7734 opened 5 months ago

jjacob7734 commented 5 months ago

Install, build, and run this version of CARDAMOM on Pleiades:

A sample input file from @aantonyb is on the MGHG SDS team share as

jjacob7734 commented 5 months ago

Build with icc to be compatible with the NetCDF module available on Pleiades. Commands to build on a Pleiades front-end host (pfe##): module load comp-intel/2020.4.304 module load mpi-hpe/mpt.2.28_25Apr23_rhel87 module load hdf5/1.8.18_mpt module load hdf4/4.2.12 module load netcdf/ git clone cd CARDAMOM_2.1.6c/C/projects/ icc CARDAMOM_MDF/CARDAMOM_MDF.c -o CARDAMOM_MDF/CARDAMOM_MDF -lm -lnetcdf icc CARDAMOM_GENERAL/CARDAMOM_RUN_MODEL.c -o CARDAMOM_GENERAL/CARDAMOM_RUN_MODEL -lnetcdf

jjacob7734 commented 5 months ago

Ran with the following PBS script. The wall time used was 07:23:26. #PBS -S /bin/bash #PBS -N cardamom-test #PBS -q long #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mpiprocs=1:model=ivy #PBS -l walltime=12:00:00 #PBS -j oe #PBS -W group_list=s1055 # # Load required modules module load comp-intel/2020.4.304 module load mpi-hpe/mpt.2.28_25Apr23_rhel87 module load hdf5/1.8.18_mpt module load hdf4/4.2.12 module load netcdf/ # # Run model cd /nobackup/jcjacob/ghg/cardamom/test ./CARDAMOM_MDF ./ test.cbr > log.txt 2>&1 ./CARDAMOM_RUN_MODEL ./ test.cbr >> log.txt 2>&1

jjacob7734 commented 5 months ago

Histogram of output PROB variable after filtering the data to the range [-34,-10]:


kbowman77 commented 5 months ago

Looks great! Can you add Anthony's plot? I think this has been successfully completed. We need a new task to validate for stochastic systems and with a specific run of DALEC.