JPLRepo / AmpYear

A KSP plugin that better manages electricity adds Reserve Power, ION & PPT RCS. See the ReadMe file below for dependencies.
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Additional Modules & Some Suggestions #23

Closed deimos790 closed 7 years ago

deimos790 commented 8 years ago

From the forum post:

JPLRepo commented 8 years ago

ModuleGenerator is already catered for? Will check Module Generator is already coded. Require further information on what you see, that makes you think it is not.

Require Clarification for these two are you suggesting combining them in the Settings Menu? Or everywhere.

Lights: Not going to do anything there. ModuleLight is handled as well as Avaition Lights modules. ModuleAnimateGeneric does not use EC.

RWSaturatable - Will look at that if they fix their bugs. It's throwing Null Reference errors. I'd advise not using it until fixed.

No it's not smart (already answered this on the forum).

I'll look at what's available other than the module name. But I'm not going to build my own list. Actually I thought of this a while ago, so perhaps this would help. Part highlighting when you hover over a part in the part list.

JPLRepo commented 8 years ago

Module Generator is already catered for. More information required if there is a bug.
Require further information as above for the combining request?
Changed from using Part Name to the Title Name for a part. But left ModuleNames in.
Investigating part highlighting.