JPMoresmau / BuildWrapper

Utility to manage haskell projects for an IDE
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BW uses "--user" flag for sandboxed project #42

Closed vlatkoB closed 10 years ago

vlatkoB commented 10 years ago


I have all projects sandboxed, and Use one sandbox... turned off. In one project, console reports

"Warning: This package indirectly depends on multiple versions ..."


cabal configure --verbose=1

does not.

The difference is that BW is using --user flag in the cabal command

cabal configure '--verbose=1' --user --enable-tests --enable-benchmarks ......

Is, for some reason, --user flag necessary for sandboxed project?

GHC 7.8.3, BW 0.8.7, EclipseFP 2.6.0, Cabal 1.20

Best regards,


JPMoresmau commented 10 years ago

The difference is also --enable-tests --enable-benchmarks ......, I don't understand why you think --user is the difference.

vlatkoB commented 10 years ago

I shortened the line for important stuff only, sorry, my bad. Project has no tests nor benchmarks anyway.

I get the same response from cabal when using --user, so I concluded it must be that flag. Depending only on that flag, the "Missing..." message is shown or not.

Is there any use of --user in a sandbox projects?