JPSieg / MeltR

Automated fitting of RNA/DNA absorbance melting curves and fluorescence binding isotherms in R
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How can modified RNA sequences accurately obtain results through meltR.A #3

Open oldliyoungli opened 1 month ago

oldliyoungli commented 1 month ago

How can modified RNA sequences accurately obtain results through meltR.A, and how should the part NucAcid = c('RNA', 'CGAAAGGU', 'ACCUUUCG') be modified?

JPSieg commented 1 month ago

Hi! Great question! MeltR does not have the data needed to calculate molar extinction coefficients for modified nucleic acids. Your best bet for modified nucleic acid sequences is to supply a custom molar extinction coefficients that you determined separately (for example, from IDT) like this: NucAcid = c("Custom", 105860, 82300). Please ensure that the units are L/(molecm) = 1/(Mcm). This is is described on page 35 of the manual: