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Assertion error, when shutting down the server 2021.1.3 #108

Open Csirobi opened 3 years ago

Csirobi commented 3 years ago

Hi Florian,

When shutting down the server 2021.1.3 from NetBeans 12.4 (using maven), I got the next exception:

mvn com.sandec.jpro:jpro-maven-plugin:2021.1.3:stop

Exception in thread "Thread-20" java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: Please make sure, that you are using the JavaFX-Application-Thread
    at scala.Predef$.assert(Predef.scala:223)
    at simplefx.cores.standard.Core.withGetter(Core.scala:9)
    at com.jpro.meta.gc.GCInfo$.freeSystemMemoryBindable$lzycompute(GCInfo.scala:20)
    at com.jpro.meta.gc.GCInfo$.freeSystemMemoryBindable(GCInfo.scala:20)
    at com.jpro.meta.gc.GCInfo$.freeSystemMemory(GCInfo.scala:20)
    at com.jpro.internal.server.Initializer$$anon$

Server detalis:

[info] c.j.i.s.Initializer$ -  *** Starting JPro: ***
[info] c.j.i.s.Initializer$ - OS: Linux
[info] c.j.i.s.Initializer$ - JPro: 2021.1.3
[info] c.j.i.s.Initializer$ - Java version: 11.0.11
[info] c.j.i.s.Initializer$ - JVM: 11.0.11 Ubuntu
[info] c.j.i.s.Initializer$ - JavaFX jar: file:/home/csirobi/Maven_repository/repo/org/openjfx/javafx-graphics/
[info] c.j.i.s.Initializer$ - redirected OUT / ERR
[info] c.j.i.s.Initializer$ - installed SLF4JBridge
[info] c.j.i.s.MonocleInitializer$ - screen: null
[warn] javafx - Unsupported JavaFX configuration: classes were loaded from 'unnamed module @556708c0'
[info] c.j.i.s.Initializer$ - finished init!
[info] c.j.i.s.Initializer$ - JavaFX version:

By the way, thanks your many effort about JPro, it is a really great project. Csirobi

Csirobi commented 3 years ago

Noted, that I can not see this problem at JPro: 2021.1.2.

FlorianKirmaier commented 3 years ago

Thank you for reporting this @Csirobi ! I'm able to reproduce it, and it's probably easy to fix.

Csirobi commented 3 years ago

Cool, thx..