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Node.setViewOrder seems to not be managed in JPRO #132

Open guirak opened 1 year ago

guirak commented 1 year ago

Hi Florian,

I'm using the ability of the Node.setViewOrder method to modify the rendering order of the nodes in a pane to keep a node that I want to process drag & drop over all the other nodes of the pane.

In native, this method is working as expected but in JPro, it seems to not be managed.

Do you know this problem and can we expect an improvment in the future to manage this method ?

Thank you for advance.


FlorianKirmaier commented 1 year ago

Hi guirak,

thank you for mentioning this! We knew about this, but it wasn't prioritized yet, because it's very rarely used. I guess you can expect a fix for this relatively soon. Probably in the next version.

guirak commented 1 year ago

Thank you Florian, it will be perfect for me :)

FlorianKirmaier commented 1 year ago

Can you try version 2022.1.8-SNAPSHOT? It contains support for viewOrder support.

guirak commented 1 year ago

Hi Florian, I have just tried this snapshot and it's working perfectly.

Thank you