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JVM argument -Dconfig.file can prevent jpro from starting #27

Open FlorianKirmaier opened 5 years ago

FlorianKirmaier commented 5 years ago

When using HOCO one can override the default configuration of JPro. This prevents the server from starting properly. This is done by setting -Dconfig.file to a file which doesn't import the default file application.conf This can be avoided by importing the default file, which can be done with the following statement:

include classpath("application.conf")
mkurz commented 4 years ago

Why is this a problem? Do you tell users to use -Dconfig.file?

FlorianKirmaier commented 4 years ago

Developers might want to use hocon to configure their JavaFX application. This can interfere/overwrite the configuration which JPro uses to configure the play framework.