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Support for Canvas (coming with the next major release) #28

Open odbuser2 opened 5 years ago

odbuser2 commented 5 years ago

Canvas is an important component in JavaFX. Can you support it in JPro or are the implications on performance and bandwidth too great?

hhsandbaek commented 5 years ago

We have an early version running JPro/Canvas in the lab and it makes a very positive impression regarding performance, bandwidth etc. There will be a newsletter about the topic in the nearest future.

odbuser2 commented 5 years ago

Will snapshot work as well?

FlorianKirmaier commented 5 years ago

@odbuser2 Snapshot is already supported with JavaFX11. We kinda missed updating the documentation. Stages are also already supported in the latest version. Sorry for the misleading documentation. We've just updated the documentation.

milanbojovic commented 4 years ago

Hi I've tried to run my app (which I plan to release online) with JPro and I think I also have problem with Canvas: [error] c.j.m.s.FXSerializerImpl - couldn't wrap node ... class: javafx.scene.canvas.Canvas ... javafx.scene.Node Also few lines below I found folowing two errors: [error] com.jpro.JS - received msg: Unexpected exception: TypeError: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of null [error] com.jpro.JS - received msg: Unexpected exception: TypeError: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of null

odbuser2 commented 4 years ago

I assume "next major release" is not 2019.1.2. Can you provide a timeframe?

FlorianKirmaier commented 4 years ago

The first version, which will support canvas will have the name 2019.2.0. It will be released this year!