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println with special characters are shown wrong in /info/log/console.log and console #59

Open Hugolarson opened 4 years ago

Hugolarson commented 4 years ago

System.out.println("åäöÅÄÖ"); shows gibberish characters in both JPRO Windows and Linux console. Characters shows fine in JPRO JavaFX UI though.

FlorianKirmaier commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the bug report! I can confirm this problem. As far as I can see it's only shown wrong in the /info/log/console.log

Hugolarson commented 4 years ago

I think issue also affect saving files on server and after download with WEBApi.DownloadUrl which cannot find the files with äöå in name.

FlorianKirmaier commented 4 years ago

These are definitely different issues.

Can you create a new ticket and describe it more accurately when downloadUrl doesn't work with special characters? It's tested against special characters and there is no known bug at the moment.

Hugolarson commented 4 years ago it seems working. Funny it didn't work yesterday. I'll do some more digging. It would me nice to hook WebAPI.getWebAPI(stage).downloadURL to some event to handle errors and status. Now its fire the method and pray that something gets downloaded.