JR0ch17 / S3Cruze

All-in-one AWS S3 bucket tool for pentesters.
MIT License
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Dependency on AWS CLI #3

Closed pbnj closed 6 years ago

pbnj commented 6 years ago

Hi @JR0ch17 ,

Why does this tool need AWS CLI and AWS API access keys in order to enumerate buckets?

Here is what I'm trying to get at:

$ curl https://toyota.s3.amazonaws.com
<ListBucketResult xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">




$ aws s3api list-objects --bucket toyota
An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the ListObjects operation: Access Denied

I would think if you're truly trying to enumerate buckets, you would just try to loop over a list of names and curl https://<bucket-name>.s3.amazonaws.com, or am I missing something?

JR0ch17 commented 6 years ago

Hey Peter,

It doesn't need the AWS access keys to enumerate buckets. It is needed for other features like uploading files to a bucket, listing ACLs, configs, etc. I don't use curl to enumerate buckets but it does make a GET request to https://.s3.amazonaws.com. By default, how it works is that, if it gets a response of 404 (bucket doesn't exist), it skips to the next bucket. For every other response codes, it tries to list the files of the bucket and prints the result.

If you know a way to do all of this below without the need of using the awscli, please let me know. It would be even better to have the tool run without people needing to install and configure awscli but I'm not sure if it's possible for now.