To deal with the \acrshort{vuca} world, companies invested a great deal of time and money in becoming less \gls{fragile} by being more \gls{robust} and \gls{resilient}. <
< (1) momey: Says who? (2) reason spending money: says who? (3): relation between dealing with vuca and by being more robust/resilient: says who?
You can introduce somewhere the defintion of robust and resilient incl citation. When you found the source of money spending with the mentioned goal, this resource also defined resilience/robust in this context.
To deal with the \acrshort{vuca} world, companies invested a great deal of time and money in becoming less \gls{fragile} by being more \gls{robust} and \gls{resilient}. <
< (1) momey: Says who? (2) reason spending money: says who? (3): relation between dealing with vuca and by being more robust/resilient: says who?
You can introduce somewhere the defintion of robust and resilient incl citation. When you found the source of money spending with the mentioned goal, this resource also defined resilience/robust in this context.